InIn Fitness And In HealthbyNita JainAnother Remarkable Reason Why Some People Are Naturally SkinnyOf microbes and menJun 3, 20223Jun 3, 20223
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InSharing SciencebySam Westreich, PhDThe Bullshit Argument that Carnivores Use Against PlantsPoisonous lectins? Anti-nutrients? Do you not know how to properly EAT?Aug 15, 202212Aug 15, 202212
InSharing SciencebySam Westreich, PhDEggs Bad for Microbiome? First Impressions Can Be DeceivingDoes microbiome + eggs = heart attacks? The truth is a bit more complexAug 11, 20224Aug 11, 20224
InMicrobial InstinctsbyPeter MillerExcess deaths for 2022 still show no signs of covid vaccine deathsAn analysis of what killed people in 2022.Feb 9, 20233Feb 9, 20233